Top Reasons Why Your Asphalt Parking Lot Is Deteriorating Fast

If you have installed asphalt lot parking on your property, you must ensure the surface is always in top shape. To attain this, ensure that you keep the surface clean and perform the necessary repairs when you see cracks or damages like potholes. That said, you may wonder what causes asphalt parking lot damage and how to remedy the situation. You should know that the surface is exposed to various elements which can damage it. Below are some common causes of asphalt surface damage.

Drainage Issues 

Efficient drainage ensures water is directed away from your property whenever it rains. However, if you have blocked or faulty drainage, water will pool on various surfaces, including the parking lot, leading to cracking. Note that such water puddles can trap elements like acids, debris, or fuel that seep into the surface, damaging your asphalt. So, ensure you have a functional drainage system. Also, note that leaves and other debris that cause clogs in the drain inlets should be removed regularly. Ultimately, you may need to reconstruct the outlets, piping system, and drain fields if there are significant drainage system issues.

Severe Climatic Conditions

During winter, your asphalt parking may deteriorate fast. This is because the extremely cold weather causes water to freeze. Hence, if there are tiny cracks in the parking space, they will expand, leading to disintegration.

Heavy-Duty Vehicles

Before installing an asphalt surface, most professionals install a solid foundation. This makes the surface more robust, enabling it to withstand high traffic. However, the material will wear faster if you regularly park heavy-duty vehicles or construction machinery on the asphalt parking lot. Note that these vehicles put significant weight on the parking surface. So, if the weight wasn't considered during construction, both the gravel and asphalt section will take on too much pressure. This will eventually cause cracking on the topmost layer once the gravel section contracts.

Poor DIY Maintenance

If you go too long without caring for your asphalt parking, it will incur irreversible damage. This is why hiring an asphalt paving contractor to maintain it often is essential. Note that failing to invest in maintenance usually causes drainage clogs and increases the quantity of dirt and other elements on the surface. After some time, these elements will cause parts of the paved area to crumble.

Now that you know why an asphalt parking lot may deteriorate fast, taking precautionary measures to avoid damages shouldn't be difficult. So, clean the paved area regularly and wash it after spills. Also, repair the drainage system to prevent water pooling and avoid parking heavy machinery, if possible.

Contact an asphalt paving company to learn more. 
